Biologie de la peau


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Versican, also called PG-M, is a lectican family proteoglycan that is present in the fetal, neonatal, and adult dermis in humans. It is a member of a family of large, aggregating proteoglycans that primarily bear chondroitin sulfate glycosaminoglycan side chains.Versican interacts with both fibrillin-1 and isolated microfibrils. Versican binds fibulin-1 and -2 via its lectin-like domain and localizes to cutaneous microfibrils. Versican also binds to hyaluronic acid (HA) via its N-terminal region and HA is co-distributed with elastic fibers in the dermis. Therefore, by binding to fibrillin microfibrils and HA, versican can impart viscous properties to cutaneous microfibrils. The loss of the HA-binding ability of versican followed by HA exclusion may be responsible for the pathological and phenotypical changes observed in solar elastosis.

Keiko Hasegawa, Masahiko Yoneda, Hiroko Kuwabara, Osamu Miyaishi, Naoki Itano, Akiko Ohno, Masahiro Zako and Zenzo Isogai (2007). Versican, a Major Hyaluronan-Binding Component in the Dermis, Loses its Hyaluronan-Binding Ability in Solar Elastosis. J Invest Dermatol 127 : 1657-1663.


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